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Listen and Learn Music: Friday Fave: MobileMe

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Fave: MobileMe

I'd like to begin by apologizing to those of you who are PC users.  I am most decidedly a Mac person, if you hadn't already gathered that from previous posts.  I do know that many of you (particularly my fellow music therapists - shout-out to Michelle Erfurt for recently joining us!) are also Mac users, which is why I'm constantly sharing the products that I find useful.

Today's "Friday Fave" might just be the most useful one yet.  MobileMe allows me to sync and access my calendar, contacts, photos, documents, music, and email across various technological platforms.  And I do mean various - I currently use a personal Mac, work Mac, work PC, and iPhone.  Uploading my files to the iDisk (where they are stored online) and then downloading them from any of those places (or any other computer, since you can access your MobileMe account online) is much simpler than using a flash drive or emailing them to myself.

This comes in so handy for songwriting, especially.  I write most of my songs at school, and then record them in my home studio.  Using MobileMe, I upload my song sheet (usually a Microsoft Word file) to the iDisk using my work PC, and then download it on my personal Mac when I get home.  Next I record the song, drag the mp3 file to my iDisk at home, and download it for use back at school the next day.

Another great use I've found for MobileMe is file sharing.  There is a public folder with a link that anyone can access, or you can password-protect it so that only certain people can see and download your files.  This has eliminated the need for a third-party file-sharing site, which I was previously using for my Listen & Learn Plus! subscription blog.   I provide sheet music, song downloads, and other materials to my subscribers, so now all I have to do is post a link to those files and they can access them instantly.

A MobileMe account costs $99 per year, but it is well-worth the price for me.  I haven't even touched upon many of the other cool things you can do with it, so read more here if you're interested.  And as I've said before: I don't work for Apple...I just really, really love their products!

Well that does it for this week's "Friday Fave" - enjoy the last day of the work week and have a great weekend.  See you back here on Sunday for a brand-new "Sunday Singalong" video!

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At April 23, 2010 at 7:45 PM , Blogger MICHELLE ERFURT, MT-BC said...

Thanks Rachel, now EVERYONE knows!

Michelle Erfurt


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