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Listen and Learn Music: Kids With Cats: This Song is For You

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kids With Cats: This Song is For You

Writing a song about dogs came quite naturally to me, since I'm a dog owner and have always considered myself to be a "dog person".  But I have nothing against cats (that's my mom's cat, Izzy, in the picture) and since many of you let me know that you'd like a feline version of the song, I was happy to oblige! 

<a href="">My C-A-T by Listen &amp; Learn Music</a>

C - A - T, my C - A - T,
My cat’s a part of my family.
She has such soft and pretty fur,
I love to hear her meow and purr.
C - A - T, my C - A - T,
My cat’s a part of my family.

People ask me questions, like
“What’s your cat’s name?”
And this is what I say: __________
They also want to know,
“What kind of cat do you have?”
So I answer in this way: __________

C - A - T, my C - A - T,
My cat’s a part of my family.
I give her water, food, and toys,
Luckily, she doesn’t make much noise.
C - A - T, my C - A - T,
My cat’s a part of my family.

People ask me questions, like
“How old is your cat?”
And this is what I say: __________
They also want to know,
“Can I pet your cat?”
So I answer in this way: __________

C - A - T, my C - A - T,
My cat’s a part of my family.
She likes to chase her toy mouse,
‘Round and ‘round and ‘round the house.
C - A - T, my C - A - T,
My cat’s a part of my family.

I used Izzy as an example in this version, but just as was offered when I posted "My D-O-G", I'll record a special version for your family's cat if this is a song your child might enjoy.  All you have to do is send me an email, and be sure to include your answers to the questions asked in the song!

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